Recent Submissions
Item Etude stratégique sur les services d'éducation universitaire en français dans le Nord-Est de l'Ontario: Rapport final(1986) Cachon, Jean-CharlesCe document a pour but ultime le développement d'une société. La société franco-ontarienne du Nord est passée en trente ans du XIXé au XXIé siècle sur le plan matériel. La transition reste à faire au niveau intellectuel. Notre ambition est de poser ici quelques poteaux indicateurs pour la route.Item Perceptions on Diversity in a Multicultural Setting: Laurentian University(Common Ground Publishing, 2005) Cachon, Jean-CharlesThis research is a survey of two samples, one among the 450 Faculty and the other among the 5,200 full-time and 2,200 part-time students of a bilingual and multicultural university located in Ontario, Canada. Diversity characteristics that are examined include ethnicity, gender, age, job status, marital status, study program, faculty, and disability. The variables under study include inclusiveness, class atmosphere, perceived behavior of students and faculty, support for research, working environment, safety, organizational image, and performance expectations.Item Self-employed Females and the Workforce: Some Common Issues Across the Atlantic(Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, 1989) Cachon, Jean-Charles; Carter, SaraWhile many significant studies have been made of small firms from economic, business and sociological perspectives, the bulk of the work to date has concentrated upon the male-owned enterprise. The role of women as owner/managers and employers has been largely neglected as an area of serious academic study despite the fact that greater numbers of women are now choosing self-employment. L'article abordera tout d'abord les rapports conceptuels qui existent entre Ie sexe des étudiants et les études entreprises en vue d'un emploi, puis il traitera, dans cette même perspective, de certains aspects significatifs que les chercheurs ont noté parmi les femmes établies à leur compte et enfin il identifiera les points qui devront être sujets d'étude à l'avenir.Item Venture Creators and Firm Buyers: a Comparison of Attitudes Towards Government Help and Locus of Control(Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, 1988) Cachon, Jean-CharlesThe relationship between the business-formation process and the use of government or outside counselling is examined, by differentiating, among a total group of 78 small-firm owners, between those who created their ventures and those who bought them. The group of venture initiators was found as having requested government help in one-third of the start-ups, while none of the business buyers had resorted to such support. At the same time, the first group displayed a more internal locus of control disposition than the other, thus reinforcing earlier findings about entrepreneurs. Both groups, however, were strongly internal-oriented compared to general populations. SOMMAIRE: À partir d'un groupe de propriétaires, créateurs ou acquéreurs, de petites entreprises, l'auteur établit le rapport entre le processus d'établissement et le recours au counselling gouvernemental ou exterieur. On constate que le tiers des propriétaires qui ont créé leur entreprise ont demandé l'aide du gouvernement, contre aucun parmi ceux qui s'en sont portés acquéreurs. On a également constaté que le premier groupe avait une nette tendance à établir Ie siège du contrôle à l'interieur des structures comparativement aux autres, ce qui renforce les constatations précédentes au sujet des entrepreneurs. Toutefois, les deux groupes à l'étude mettaient un accent beaucoup plus prononcé sur le controle interne que le reste des entreprises.Item Assessing Entrepreneurial Orientation in the Instructional Setting: Testing a Model(Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, 1987) Cachon, Jean-Charles; Cotton, BarryThis paper reports the initial investigation of the possibility of identifying an entrepreneurial orientation among subjects who have undergone a venture identification and creation experience. The basis for the development of the measurement model were characteristics identified from the literature as forming the emerging entrepreneur paradigm. The purpose of the longitudinal research is to establish a methodology for the identification of people possessing entrepreneurial potential and whose further development could then be encouraged. Variables in the model which proved to be predictors of entrepreneurial orientation included Locus of Control which is a very strong entrepreneurial orientation. Attitude Towards Risk proved to be a predictor of a general interest in entrepreneurial activities, supporting findings in the literature. Significantly, a new variable was identified out of scales measuring Personal Objectives (PO). A strong link was found between the nature of personal skill advantages, objectives and interests fulfilled during the experimental project and entrepreneurial orientation. SOMMAIRE Cet article rend compte de travaux initiaux sur la determination de l'esprit d'entreprise de sujets qui ont fait une experience supposant la prise de risques et un recours à la création. Le modèle de mesure a été élaboré à partir de caractéristiques trouvées dans les livres pertinents sur ce qui constitue l'archetype de l'entrepreneur en puissance. La recherche longitudinale vise a trouver des méthodes pour déterminer les personnes douées d'un esprit d'entreprise dont on peut favoriser le développement. Parmi les variables du modèle qui se sont révélées être des indices d'esprit d'entreprise, figure le "lieu géométrique d'autorité", un critère très important. II s'est avéré que l'attitude face au risque était un indice d'intérêt général pour les activités reliées à l'esprit d'entreprise, ce qui corrobore les constatations des écrits sur la question. Une nouvelle variable a été dégagée des échelles qui mesurent les objectifs personnels(OP). On a, en effet, découvert un lien étroit entre les aptitudes, les objectifs et les intérêts personnels concrétisés au cours du projet expérimental, d'une part, et l'esprit d'entreprise, d'autre part.Item Resisting the Giants: Small Retail Entrepreneurs vs. Mega-Retailers - An Empirical Study(2007) Cotton, Barry; Cachon, Jean-CharlesMega-retailers are widely criticized as causing devastation among smaller retailers, particularly in mid-sized markets in the United States. Others argue that small retailers can survive “in the shadow of the retail giants,” by offering levels of customer service that the mega-retailers can’t provide due to their very size. This paper reports the findings of an empirical study of the perceived impact of the recent opening of box-retailers, such as Costco and Home Depot on locally owned/operated small retailers in the northeastern Ontario city of Greater Sudbury, Canada from 1999 to 2003. The sample included 78 smaller store owners, on average in operation for the last 21 years. Aggregate results confirmed the hypotheses that small retailers suffered lower sales and clientele since the arrival of mega-retailers, and could clearly identify their and mega-retailers’ respective competitive advantages and disadvantages as compared to each other. Respondents had a significant perception of having an advantage over their mega-competitors in the areas of Store Cleanliness, Value for the Customer, Products’ Quality, and Store Layout. While a number of respondents suffered lower sales, about one-third of them (the Resisting Retailers) had average sales growth of over 21%. Differentiation and Niche Marketing were the main aspects of a successful competing strategy adopted by resisting retailers against mega-retailers. Some of the strategic moves adopted by resisting retailers amounted to a “Vacuum Strategy,” which includes the refusal to carry brands available at mega-stores, and the refusal to service such brands or to have anything to do with megaretailers, refusing any alliance with them and making it known to customers.Item Online Marketing Communication in the Tourism Industry: An Exploratory Study of Website Effectiveness Among Tourist Lodge Operators in Northern Ontario(2004) Mulholland, Ron; Cachon, Jean-CharlesThe use of the Internet for marketing communication was studied in a sample of 200 lodge operators from Northern Ontario. These firms are located in remote areas relative to their United States-based clientele. The use of the Internet for marketing communications was perceived as important to keep existing clients and secure new ones. Results show a correlation between levels of website expenses and levels of responsiveness from prospective clients. There is an indication that investing more money and time in a website can improve customer-base diversification. _______ Nous avons étudié l'utilisation de l'Internet pour la communication commerciale par I'intermédiaire d'un échantillon de 200 hôteliers du nord de l'Ontario. Ces entreprises sont situées dans des régions éloignées de leur clientele américaine. L'utilisation de l'Internet pour la communication commerciale est considérée importante pour conserver la clientele existante et pour en acquérir une nouvelle. Nos résultats montrent une corrélation entre Ie niveau des dépenses Web et le niveau de réponse de clients éventuels. II semble qu'investir davantage d'argent et de temps dans un site Web puisse accroître la diversification de la clientèle.Item Entrepreneurial teams: a categorization and their long-term evolution(1990) Cachon, Jean-CharlesTwenty-nine entrepreneurial teams from central Ontario were examined in three aspects: the mechanisms by which they were formed and modified, their social structure and the complementarity of team members were identified: Husband-Wife, Family-related, Partnerings, and Short-term partnerings, each type showing distinctive characteristics in terms of venture creation and team formation. _________ Vingt-neuf équipes d'entrepreneurs du centre de l 'Ontario ont fait l'objet d'une étude sur trois aspects soit, les mécanismes qui ont contribué à leur formation et à leur évolution, leur structure sociale et la complémentarité des membres de l'équipe : mari-femme, membres d'une même famille. sociétés de personnes et participations à court terme, chaque type présentant des caractéristiques distinctes en termes de création d'entreprise et de formation d'équipeItem Aboriginal entrepreneurship on reserves: some empirical data from Northern Ontario and considerations following the Supreme Court of Canada decision on the Delgamuukw v. British Columbia appeal(2000) Cachon, Jean-CharlesAfter a review of the general characteristics of Aboriginal businesses on Canadian reserves, the empirical part of this research compares a sample of 22 on-reserve businesses interviewed within four reserves in Northern Ontario to a control sample of 229 businesses from across Northern Ontario. Both samples were surveyed in Spring/Summer 1997 by the Small Business Research Group, from Laurentian University's School of Commerce and Administration. The results confirmed the literature in showing a lack of structure, with 88% of the businesses unincorporated, a lack of capital, a sense of isolation and of being out of the information channels (a majority of respondents saw no benefits to networking), literacy problems among the population) and frustrations with government agencies. However, as among other groups in the Canadian business population, Aboriginal entrepreneurs were more educated than the general Aboriginal population. The remainder of the article discusses issues related to the development of entrepreneurship among the First Nations, including the Delgamuukw v. British Columbia decision by the Supreme Court of Canada and its potential effects.Item La minorité française et les programmes universitaires dans le nord-est de l'Ontario: une université inachevée(Institut franco-ontarien Université Laurentienne, 1985) Cachon, Jean-CharlesItem Perception du rôle d'une caisse populaire dans un milieu francophone homogène : le cas de Sturgeon Falls, Ontario.(Institut franco-ontarien Université Laurentienne, 1990) Cachon, Jean-CharlesItem Entrepreneurs : pourquoi? comment? quoi?(Institut franco-ontarien Université Laurentienne, 1991) Cachon, Jean-Charles