Numerical study of critical properties and hidden orders in dimerized spin ladders



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American Physical Society


Dimerized antiferromagnetic spin-1 ladders are known to exhibit a quantum critical phase transition in the 2 ground state, the existence or absence of which is dependent on the dimerization pattern of the ladder. The gapped phases cannot be distinguished by the conventional Landau long-range order parameter. However, they possess a nonlocal (hidden) string-order parameter, which is nonzero in one phase and vanishes in the other. We use an exact diagonalization technique to calculate ground-state energies, energy gaps, and string-order parameters of dimerized two- and three-leg Heisenberg ladders, as well as a critical scaling analysis to yield estimates of the critical exponents ν and β.


© 2011 American Physical Society


Quantum spin systems, Spin chain models


Sandra J. Gibson, R. Meyer, Gennady Y. Chitov, Numerical study of critical properties and hidden orders in dimerized spin ladders, Phys. Rev. B 104423 (2011).
