Factors contributing to the non-urgent use of the emergency department by Canadian triage and acuity scale IV and V patient in Sudbury, Ontario

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Laurentian University of Sudbury
In Canada, it is estimated that 57% of all emergency department (ED) visits are for less-urgent or non-urgent care needs (Hodgins & Wuest, 2007). Factors that contribute to the non-urgent use of ED services include lack of resources, insufficient access to care, and lack of awareness regarding available health care options (Fieldston, Alpern, Nadel, Shea & Alessandrini, 2012). The goal of this quantitative descriptive design study was to determine the relationship between having access to a primary health care provider, utilizing community based health care supports, and the patient’s perception of illness, with the adult patient’s decisions for presenting to the ED with nonurgent care needs. Of the 119 respondents, 71.3% had access to a primary health care provider. A majority of the respondents (70.1%) perceived the threat of their illness as moderate. Those without registration with a primary care provider had a significantly higher perceived threat of illness than those with a primary care provider. Results indicate that 72.6% of respondents presented to the ED because of a perceived urgency of need for care, and 48.7% of participants came to the ED because they thought they required ED services. Identifying why people present to the ED with non-urgent care needs can assist health care providers and decision makers to enhance their understanding of the patient’s expectations of health care services and their perception of illness.
Emergency department, Emergpatient perception, Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS), General System Theory