"Being a Native researcher in your own community"
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Research is about knowing and understanding. It is about re examining issues,
problems or questions of which we seek further knowledge or answers (NWSK 3555 Class
Notes, September 18, 2001). First and foremost, First Nations research is a different way of
knowing which involves understanding people and their perspectives. Who would understand better
these "ways of knowing" than someone from the same community? Hiring Native researchers
from outside one's own community has, in past experience, resulted in lack of a trust
relationship and poor (or skewed) research results. A vital aspect of any First Nations
Researcher is to obtain community permission. What needs to be addressed from the
outset may include western ethics of "doing" research but not to the neglect of community
and cultural-specific ways of "finding out things." An effective and culture-based approach
to research ought to be grounded in a holistic methodology. By holistic, I mean understanding
the concept of the topic from the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional
aspects, not only from the researcher's point of view, but also from the community
members themselves. Personal attributes of the researcher also ought to be taken into
consideration. Allocation of time and place is another important aspect of consideration when it
comes time for interviews. Face-to-face interviews, in my experience, seem to work best in
First Nations communities, likely due to the lack of trust issue.