Goggins, Katie A.Trottier, Patrick James2020-10-072020-10-072020-10-01https://laurentian.scholaris.ca/handle/10219/3574In Part 1 of CROSH COVID Conversations, panelist Dr. Katie Goggins generally discuss COVID-19 workplace entrance screening and, more specifically, the temperature measurement aspect of the screening process. Patrick James Trottier discusses the technology behind COVID-19 tracking and how it applies to the workplace. Dr. Goggins and Mr. Trottier also answer audience questions on the subject.In this webinar, panelist Dr. Katie Goggins generally discuss COVID-19 workplace entrance screening and, more specifically, the temperature measurement aspect of the screening process. Patrick James Trottier discusses the technology behind COVID-19 tracking and how it applies to the workplace. Dr. Goggins and Mr. Trottier also answer audience questions on the subject.enCOVID-19coronavirusoccupational health and safetyscreeningtrackingCROSH COVID Conversations: Screening and Tracking for WorkplacesVideo