Vares, David A. E.2014-09-252014-09-252014-09-25 phenomena occur within a complex manifold of interactions from small scale quantum to large scale energies. These random interactions appear to conform to the central limit theorem, however prediction of these events suggest a non-local factor is typically involved. Data were compiled from a random number generator that utilizes quantum electron tunneling, a photomultiplier tube measuring background photon emissions (~10-11 W/m2), earthquakes recorded by USGS Advanced National Seismic System, and from a database of human electroencephalographic recordings. The data indicated temporal and spatial relationships, suggesting the causality of physical phenomena and the associated entropy conforms to the central limit theorem by means of variable distribution of occurrence.enMemoryConsciousnessQuantum RandomnessEntropyThe central tendency relationships between earthquakes, quantum fluctuations, and the human brainThesis