Moeke-Pickering, TaimaPartridge, Cheryle2014-10-022014-10-022014Reflets: Revue d'intervention sociale et communautaire: La formation pratique: allier milieux de pratique et milieux d'enseignement. Vol. 20, No 1 printempts 20141203-4576 paper discusses the development and positioning of a Native social work program, and why it was established within a mainstream University institute. It will focus on the discourse associated with Aboriginal social work worldviews and the positioning of curricula established by Aboriginal communities to adapt to mainstream academia. This paper will also show how Aboriginal Teachings are utilized as “theory to practice” models and provide examples and insights into how students are incorporating Aboriginal worldviews in their field placements.enAboriginal social workEnglish versionAboriginal Social Work: Incorporating Aboriginal worldviews in social work field practiceArticle