Spence, Melissa2015-07-092015-07-092015-07-09https://laurentian.scholaris.ca/handle/10219/2438Through the investigation of the relationship between linguistics and cognition, it has been discovered that language differences can be found within individuals based on their current affective state. The current study examined whether the three dimensions of language (pleasantness, activation, and imagery) are evident in the language of participants after affective states have been manipulated. 60 Laurentian students were assigned to one of the three group conditions – positive exposure, negative exposure, or control. Participants were also divided by sex between the three groups. Participants were then asked to write a passage describing a personal event. Passages were examined using the Dictionary of Affect in Language (DAL) to determine the emotionality of the passages. Results were analyzed by conducting a 2x3 factorial MANOVA between subjects; the results failed to support the main hypothesis that the dimensions of language are impacted by emotion. However, results did indicate that females used language with more imagery and detail. Additionally, results indicated that event recall negativity was affected by emotion. Limitations, future directions, and implications are discussed.enlanguageemotionThe impact of induced emotion on languageThesis