Boudreau, Francoisvan de Sande, AdjeRouilier, Marc2011-03-112011-03-112000-09Boudreau, Francois, van de Sande, Adje and Rouilier, 2000. "First Nations People and AIDS: A study of social work knowledge in Northern Quebec". NSWJ-V3, p. 165-182.1206-5323 Nations' people have experienced the greatest increase in the proportion of reported AIDS cases between 1989 and 1998 compared to all other ethnic groups in Canada (Health Canada, 1999). The proportion of reported AIDS cases among First Nations people jumped from 1.3% of the total reported cases in 1989 to 10.9% in 1998 (Health Canada, 1999). This increase, in spite of the fact that First Nations people represent only 3.6% of the Canadian population (Statistics Canada, 1996), suggests that health and social service professionals working with First Nations people should increase their attention to issues such as AIDS prevention programs directed to First Nations' communities.en"First Nations People and AIDS: A study of social work knowledge in Northern Quebec"Article